
Register of Overseas Entities - FAQs


Here's an FAQ: What if there is a leasehold property purchased by an overseas entity before 1999... but the lease was extended and the extension lease registered by an application to the Land Registry made on or 1 January 1999. Is the overseas entity required to register?

Answer: Yes. Even though the property has been owned since before the key date of 1 January 1999, the legislation is pegged to the current legal interest. If that is a long lease granted since that time then it will be within the ambit of the legislation, even if the original purchase was a long time ago. Best to check the title for the Land Registry restriction.

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Overseas entities that already own a qualifying estate registered on or after 1 January 1999, were also required to register with Companies House and provide the same relevant information by 31 January 2023, the end of the transitional period.
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